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Hartville Lions Club

Hartville Lions Club

The Hartville Lions Club has been active since 1946. We are dedicated to serving our community and the world, and we have a lot of fun in the process. Members are of all ages and come from all walks of life -- blue-collar, white-collar, professionals, farmers, homemakers, business people, and others. How the Hartville Lions Club Serves Hartville and Surrounding Communities:

  • Vision programs: free eye screening for children and adults; free eye care and eyeglasses for area residents in need; Collection of used eyeglasses that the Uniontown Lions Club recycles for distribution in developing areas.
  • Youth services: college scholarships for area graduates, co-funded with Uniontown Lions Club; youth memberships to Lake Community YMCA; sponsorship of Hartville Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts; teacher and student recognition programs; donations to area schools sports, orchestra, and vocal programs; providing back-to-school supplies for needy students.
  • Community projects: 'Meals on Wheels' deliveries; sponsorship of Christmas food and gifts and Thanksgiving food vouchers for needy families in Lake Township, through Lake Middle School's Junior Service Club; contributor to local food bank; major contributor of funds to the Nature-For-All disabled accessible trail at Quail Hollow State Park; “We Serve Day” for special community service; participation in community events, such as memorials and Hartville's 'Evenings in the Village;' special equipment purchased for use of the Hartville Fire Department and the Stark/Lake Library. 
How the Hartville Lions Club raises funds for its programs and projects:
  • Food and flower sales at the Quail Hollow Craft and Herb Fair (first Sat-Sun in May each year)
  • Dunk Tank at the Uniontown Lions' Festival in August
  • Chicken barbecues in the summer
  • Broom sales
Most of the money that is raised locally is spent locally!
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PO Box 273
Hartville, OH 44632
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